Greene County school board organizes for 2014-15

The Greene County board of education organized for the 2014-15 school year at the board’s regular meeting Sept. 17.

The board elected Ashley Johnston as board president and Teresa Hagen as vice president.

Committee appointments were made as follows, with many board members filling the same spots as previous years: negotiations, Mark Peters, Johnston and Sam Harding; classified/administrative salaries, Susan Burkett, Hagen and David Ohrt; school improvement advisory committee (SIAC), Peters; facilities, Jeff Lamoureux and Harding; county conference board (dealing with matters of the county assessor), Johnston; Jefferson park and recreation board, Harding; and Greene County School Foundation board, Harding.

Greene Co school board 2Pictured are (front, from left) superintendent Tim Christensen,  David Ohrt, Jeff Lamoureux and Ashley Johnston; and (back, from left) business manager Brenda Muir, Teresa Hagen, Susan Burkett, Sam Harding and Mark Peters.

For the past several years, the board has held a work session on the second Wednesday of each month, usually hearing informational presentations from teachers in the various subject areas. Board members returned the next Wednesday for the regular meeting.

Going forward, the board will convene once each month, with a work session at 5:15 pm followed by the regular meeting at 6:30 on the third Wednesday of the month. The exception is November; that meeting will be Nov. 12 to allow board members to attend the Iowa Association of School Boards’ annual convention the following week. Meetings are held at the administrative building (formerly south grade school).

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